(PLEASE read ALL the way through and take survey)
With a heavy heart, the Chamber of Commerce announces that the 2020 Harvest Festival has been cancelled.
In this year of the unusual, we made the decision to follow suit with all of the neighboring local events, small and large. We all have made a call to err on the side of caution. We want our Community to be safe and we are trying to prevent any serious spikes in the local Covid-19 numbers.
Three years in a row your Chamber of Commerce has had to make this difficult decision. In October of 2018, in the wake of Hurricane Michael there was no question. Last year a Tropical Storm caused too many safety concerns for the event to go on in October. Now Covid-19! The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce made this call last week and while we do feel like it’s the right thing to do, we are so disappointed! As I know the whole of Seminole County will be as well. The only part of the festival that will still take place will be the second Harvest Festival Golf Tournament and Raffle at the Donalsonville Country Club. ( More information about this will follow in the weeks ahead.)
The Harvest Festival has been annual tradition here for so long. It’s something we all look forward to in the fall. A day to get out and celebrate and be together, to enjoy entertainment, food and fellowship. A day to pick up some special little something from one of the vendors, jewelry or locally grown honey or some such. A celebration of the Harvest. Although the Harvest generally ends a little later in the year these days, we have marked our calendar on the third Saturday of October for a long time. Which brings up a question. After three years now of no Harvest Festival, do you think it may be time to change the weekend of the event? I know it’s already a super busy time of year, so much going on…. Halloween, Thanksgiving, other festivals! But, if the Harvest Festival were moved to the fourth Saturday in October or the second or third Saturday in November, would that work more closely with our local Harvest? The Chamber of Commerce wants your input. We will start a Survey on Survey Monkey via Facebook asking this question. If you disagree, just check “No Change”. We are simply trying to move forward with the best option for all of us and we need your help to make our decision.
Please take the time to do the Survey posted below and help us plan for fall of 2021!
Sarah H. Avery

Last modified: September 9, 2020