Development Authority
Development Authority Director: Sarah H. Avery
Development Authority Board Members: Zack Conoly (Chairman), Brad Clarke, Michael Kirkland, Jim Jernigan, Nancy Jernigan, David Maxwell, Mark Spooner, Mitch Blanks, Ron Johnson (Mayor).
The mission of the Development Authority of Donalsonville & Seminole County is to provide a planning and development component in the community that works with local government to promote economic growth, support and encourage existing businesses and enhance the lives of the citizens Seminole County and Donalsonville.
The Development Authority of Seminole Co. and Donalsonville was created to provide a planning and development component in the community that works with local government to promote economic growth, support and encourage existing businesses and enhance the lives of the citizens Seminole County and Donalsonville. The purpose of any Development Authority is to use the powers it has been granted to create opportunities for the expansion of economic development in its community in order to improve the lives of its citizens. This Authority currently holds a 140+ Industrial Park with land available on the eastern side of Donalsonville and has used a bond for title to assist an existing industry in Seminole Co. to expand by building an additional facility.